Wednesday, February 17, 2016

DC motor blues Part 2

Because the circuits shown in Part 1 haven't been worked on for a while, this post is to outline my plan of action for picking the project back up and troubleshooting using a systematic approach.  Part 3 will post results and code snippets.

-Build the circuit as shown in the first picture of Part 1 using most recent save of code to confirm the problem exists as documented (create a baseline).
-Build the circuit and use code from Adafruit Learn Arduino Lesson 15 ( to see if the motor is causing the freeze ups.

-Used the existing code with gyro but LEDs in place of the motor, in parallel with bias in opposite directions; expectation is that one LED will illuminate when tilted one way, the other for the other way.  Check that the serial output never freezes up for the duration.

-Built the circuit from the first picture of Part 1 using different DC motors.  The motor is called 1.5-3V, but it is weak at those voltages.

-Stack L293D chips, in case they are being overloaded.  Connect all grounds, as the ground pins are also described as heat sink in documentation.
-Use Arduino Uno instead of Nano as the micro controller. 
-Build the circuit as shown in the second picture of Part 1 and repeat all previous steps.

This will provide some data on whether the problem can be isolated.  Additional steps are:

-Build circuits as shown in other projects that work online, using their code.  See if the same problem occurs.
-Consider reworking code to allow using a potentiometer to control motor speed as in Lesson 15 while taking readings on the Gyro (attempt to divorce Gyro and motor)

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